Pre-operative Preparation

One of the most important things before you proceed with any medical treatment including surgery, is that you are comfortable with the treatment and the decision to go ahead. Being informed is empowering and Dr Damian Smith encourages you to ask questions and to seek further opinions if that aids you in the decision making.

General health & well being

Like an athlete being in peak condition before competing, it is important that your health and general well being is optimal prior to your surgery. Dr Damian Smith recommends that you discuss your upcoming surgery with your GP and have a general health check with your GP. If you have any specific medical issues in the past such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney or respiratory conditions you should make an appointment with your specialist before your surgery. It is also suggested that you have a dental check up and if you require any work to be done it is preferable to be done before you surgery.


It is important to discuss with Dr Damian Smith, your GP and the Anaesthetist any medications and supplements that you are taking. Some medications will need to be stopped prior to your surgery such as blood thinners, anti-inflammatory medications, anti-rheumatoid medications and hormonal medications such as the oral contraceptive pill.


Smokers have a higher risk of complications during and after surgery including a higher risk of cardiorespiratory problems, wound healing issues, clots and infection. These risks can be minimised by stopping smoking three to four weeks before your surgery. You should avoid smoking after your surgery to improve and optimise your healing

Pre-operative Physiotherapy & conditioning

Dr Damian Smith recommends you see your physiotherapist prior to your surgery. Your physio can set you a pre-operative conditioning program to optimise your strength and balance. Take your mobility aids, such as crutches and walkers along with you so that the physio can teach you the correct techniques to use them.

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